Workshop: Make Your Own Turtle Shell Rattle

Make Your Own Turtle Shell Rattle with Stephen Quiet Wolf The rattle, like the drum, is one of the oldest healing instruments. It is used to loosen rigid energy patterns, to clear debris from the auric fields, and aids in eliminating the blockages which can interfere with physical functions and normal metabolic rhythms. Join us

Workshop: Balancing Your Energy


Balancing Your Energy Introduction to the Chakras Level 1 Workshop Feeling stressed?…Out of balance?... Do your intentions for a creative, meaningful life feel blocked or in conflict with your actions and decisions? Get in touch with the seven main energy points within the life force of your body and learn how they affect your physical

Workshop: Reiki 2 Practitioner Certification

Reiki 2 Practitioner Certification with Del Bachand Reiki II training focuses and intensifies Reiki I energy. In this class you will learn the ancient Reiki healing symbols and how to apply them to enhance what you learned in Reiki 1. You will also be introduced to distance healing, energy scanning and healing techniques. The opportunity

Del Bachand41st Annual Nipmuck Pow Wow