Drum Making Workshop


Make your own drum using Elk or Bison hide and a traditional bent wood frame, which creates beautiful warm tones, make your own hand drum imbued with your personal energy.  This is a hands-on workshop, all of the materials needed to make your drum and beater will be provided. Monday, March 25, 2024 6:00 -

Astrology – Discover Your Venus Star Point


What is it?  The Venus Star Point is the alignment of the Sun and Venus prior to your birth.   Discover the heart centered approach to life that allows you to live in harmony with your inner self.  Join Corey Neulieb as he introduces the importance of the Venus Star Point, explains how to find your

Spring Broom Workshop


with Samantha of Sam's Stems Make the spring season truly special by crafting your own broom to welcome the renewal of life, nature's beauty, and the positive energy that spring embodies. All materials are provided, including your choice of broom handle and base, along with a wide array of dried flowers, ribbons, and other embellishments

Four Directions of Healing


with Loralee Dubeau Native Americans define "Medicine" as that which creates balance and harmony.  This lecture is designed to give participants an understanding of healing through the four cardinal directions.  Loralee's personal experience and practice of Native/Indigenous belief and tradition of prayer song, ceremony, and the natural world will provide a deeper look into the

Del BachandReflexology Sessions